Idency focuses on enterprise business security and keeping you and your work protected. They supply a range of clever products and solutions that focus on the best of modern day technology and brands to make homes and businesses smart and secure. Idency also offers a wide range of professional services covering IT Security, Identification, Authentication, Physical Access, Time & Attendance, Mobile Device Management (MDM), Analytics and SmartHome. Much of the sales the company makes are through their ecommerce website, so ease of use and clarity of design have always been key to their success.
Secure Your Digital World
Idency was a fresh new start-up when Redder started working with them a few years ago. They needed everything to get them up and running as a business and as a digital entity and web presence. As well as various online marketplaces such as Amazon, Idency wanted to establish a website of its own, providing information and sales of security products and software.
Their website was to be the key marketing tool and so internal optimisation and promotion within the search engines (organic and paid) was essential.
Redder developed the brand working closely with the Idency team. A core part of the range of the products Idency supplies is biometric identification and authentication, so we focused on an eye with digital elements as the logo device. Along with this, we developed a clean, clear look and feel, with plenty of white space and light typefaces. The Idency website has been through a series of bespoke iterations, recently adding a rich knowledgebase integrated with the product brands and reworking the product detail pages to show more information in a smaller space.

We have been using Redder for our branding, website & SEO for a few years now and I must say that we couldn’t be more impressed with their professionalism, expertise and creative skills. They regularly surprise us with their off the wall creativity. Our website performs very well in the search engines – paid and organic – and generates lots of new business for us. We highly recommend working with them.

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